What the World is Watching

The Strain

The Strain - Logo“The Silver Angel”
Season 2, Episode 4 

It being October means reviewing something that fits in well with the Halloween season. What better show to capitalize on that than this particular episode of The Stain that features a short homage to the old school El Santo vs. movies, directed by Guillermo Del Toro himself.

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Art of Gimmickry

The Supernatural Wrestler

IMG_2664What’s wrestling without its larger than life characters? It’s the only medium outside of a comic book where clowns, space travelers, battling cats, and mythical man-beasts can all do battle in the name of good vs. evil. Sometimes those characters are so much more larger than life that they exist outside the parameters that govern the real world, and extend to the great beyond. Or somewhere great beyond adjacent. These paranormal grapplers may call upon the spirit of the dead, live off of human blood for sustenance, worship the devil himself, or just like Bray Wyatt showed us at Hell in a Cell, produce hologram images via possessed lanterns. And as cool or absurd as it might seem at first if it’s at least moderately successful, like all other wrestling gimmicks, it’ll certainly be done to death (Thank you, thank you).

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