
2017: The Year of Wrestling in Pop Culture

Year in reviews are still going on, right? Enjoy the third installment of The Year of Wrestling in Pop Culture.

Continue reading “2017: The Year of Wrestling in Pop Culture”

Paid for by the Following

Paid for by the Following: Lotto 6/49

lotto-649After watching John Oliver’s scathing and much-deserved take down of the government-run U.S. lottery on the first season finale of Last Week Tonight, I figured it’d be the perfect intro to this month’s Paid for by the Following. Although the inclusion of this commercial for the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation’s Lotto 6/49 is in no way associating it with the same questionable ethical practices of the lotteries in the United States. Those Canadian questionable ethical practices are apparently tied to their “freemium” Terrance and Phillip mobile game.

Continue reading “Paid for by the Following: Lotto 6/49”