What the World is Watching

The Characters

Characters-Logo“Tim Robinson” 
Season 1, Episode 7

While most people on Netflix were probably checking out DJ Tanner from Fuller House La Magistral Cradling Los Pollos Locos, they were probably too high on their nostalgia trip to check out another Netflix original show that featured wrestling.

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Art of Gimmickry

The Overly Latino Wrestler

bandidosSeeing as National Hispanic Heritage Month officially started on September 15th, I thought this would be a good enough reason to look at The Overly Latino Wrestler. From the Mexican luchadores to the Puerto Rican grapplers. Whether they are salsa-dancing, fiery Lotharios or lowrider driving, gang bangers (and not in the Porn Hub way), the Latino wrestler has been a long-time fixture in the American professional wrestling scene. You might have noticed him. He’s the one who always cuts a promo in Spanish after having already said it in English because how else are we supposed to know he’s Latino?

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