10 Count!

Fictional Comic Book Luchadores & Their Lucha Underground Counterparts

Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 9.50.13 PMWith Lucha Underground fully embracing their comic book influences and releasing their own comic book yesterday, and with the premiere of season two tonight, it only made sense to make this list of the best fictional comic book luchadores. With many of the heroes and villains of Lucha Underground borrowing from the same supernatural themes and conventions found in these comic books, it also made sense to compare the comic book characters to their Lucha Underground counterparts.

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10 Count!

Wrestling & Horror Related Pop Culture

IMG_4764Yes, that’s a long ass title. But how else can you shorten, “Hey, here’s a list of pop culture stuff that involves pro wrestling with a horror/supernatural slant that would be perfect to watch, read, or play in the spirit of Halloween”? Exactly. Now, do yourself a favor and check out the list.

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