
2016: The Year of Wrestling in Pop Culture

Supernatural-UpsetHarleyThe year’s wrapping up, and in the world of professional wrestling, journalists, fans, bloggers, etc., will be declaring their wrestlers and matches of the year. However, here at Cheap Pop Culture, I’d rather give you a breakdown of all the times pro wrestling reared its red-headed step child head in the world of pop culture. So enjoy the second annual of The Year of Wrestling in Pop Culture.

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What the World is Watching

The Strain

The Strain - Logo“The Silver Angel”
Season 2, Episode 4 

It being October means reviewing something that fits in well with the Halloween season. What better show to capitalize on that than this particular episode of The Stain that features a short homage to the old school El Santo vs. movies, directed by Guillermo Del Toro himself.

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It's Clobberin' Time!

Lucha Underground

IMG_6310With the start of the second season, Lucha Underground put out a comic book to capitalize on the show’s serialized development, since that is the show’s strongest attribute after insane lucha libre action. With season two wrapping up tonight with Ultima Lucha Dos, it seemed fitting I post up this recap of the four-issue series.

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El Muerto

El MuertoMedium: Comics
Title: Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6
Bio: Despite becoming a masked luchador in the name of his father, El Muerto is neither a junior or a El hijo del. After being given 10 years to train and unmask a hero, in order to avenge his father’s death and earn his mask, El Muerto chooses to go after Spider-Man of all people, instead of a regular babyface/tecnico luchador.
Signature Move:
Being rescued from El Dorado.


Bonesaw McGraw

Bonesaw McGraw

Medium: Film
Title: Spider-Man
Bio: Bonesaw is a ruthless wrestler who usually sends his opponents home in a stretcher. A throwback of sorts, Bonesaw also issues $3,000 challenges to anybody who can last in the ring with him for three minutes. He isn’t above using a steel chair or a lead pipe as a weapon. Probably has a fear of spiders.
Signature Move: Flying elbow drop.

10 Count!

Fictional Comic Book Luchadores & Their Lucha Underground Counterparts

Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 9.50.13 PMWith Lucha Underground fully embracing their comic book influences and releasing their own comic book yesterday, and with the premiere of season two tonight, it only made sense to make this list of the best fictional comic book luchadores. With many of the heroes and villains of Lucha Underground borrowing from the same supernatural themes and conventions found in these comic books, it also made sense to compare the comic book characters to their Lucha Underground counterparts.

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10 Count!

Fictional Comic Book Wrestlers

SpiderManCrusherCoverWith the new wrestling-themed comic book Ringside coming out this month, and every other wrestling and comic book blog having already conducted an interview with Ringside creative team: Joe Keatinge and Nick Barber, I figured I would take a different approach to celebrate its debut. Instead, I’ll take a look at past notable comic book wrestlers. Here’s hoping Ringside’s new top draw is just as memorable or, at the very least, searchable on Google.

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10 Count!

Wrestling Comic Book Characters

The pro wrestling and comic book connection is hard to miss. The parallels are all there: good vs. evil, outlandish characters/costumes, superheroes who virtually never die, or in wrestling’s case lose (Cena, Hogan) and storylines that can change on a dime given little reason (except  in comic books these tangents are justified by having multiple universes, whereas in wrestling they simply undermine the fans’ intelligence). Point is, the two mediums go hand in hand, several wrestlers even incorporate certain comic book aspects into their persona/costumes.

This list will look at the top wrestlers whose characters would fit well inside the pages of a comic book. I’m not saying they would be successful, as most pro wrestling-comic book crossovers aren’t considered to be very good (although I’ve heard great things about Headlocked), but once mentioned you’d scratch your chin and think to yourself, “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” However, before I continue with the list, there are a few conditions that would restrict the most obvious of choices.

Continue reading “Wrestling Comic Book Characters”